A downloadable game

Pike & Shot is a quick-play roleplaying game, inspired by Goode's Company of Foote — an Elizabethan reenactment troupe — and based on John Harper's Lasers & Feelings.

It is the 16th Century.  England vies with the dread Spanish empire.  GOODE’S COMPANY OF FOOTE, returning from one more bloody errand in the service of the Queen, has scattered to spend hard-won spoils in the varied taverns of the land.  Captain Goode is missing again -- perhaps recovering from another near-fatal bout of the French Pox -- and Lieutenant Elder has disappeared amongst the devious brothels of Flushing.  The lot of you, left to your own devices, have banded together to seek debauchery in a moment of peace... but danger looms!

Play to defend England, save Queen Elizabeth, or to grab as much Spanish loot as possible!

  • 3-6 players
  • 16+ age recommendation (some adult language and themes)
  • 2-4 hours per game session
  • 2 pages


Pike and Shot v2.1.pdf 579 kB

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